Lucy Costelloe Solo show at Pujo Studios
Ex Metàfora student Lucy Costelloe showed the solo exhibition SNACK at Pujo Studios. Pujo Studios is a contemporary art studio place and exhibition space started by Netai Halup, third year student at Metàfora. He’s sharing this space with three other Barcelona based artists: Aaron Salm, Lucy Costelloe and Esra Kayira , all three also ex students at Metàfora’s studio arts program. Definitely something new and fun to check out in Barcelona’s art scene.
We had the pleasure seeing Lucy’s show SNACK here on Tuesday 25th of September. Powerful work by Lucy questioning the sexualization of women in famous artworks from Matisse, Picasso etc. She reproduced their imagery through placing herself as the subject, dressed instead of naked and always looking at the viewer. Amazing work, we are so proud of her.