Hectic activity…
The end of May brings hectic exhibition activity to Metàfora’s Studio Arts program.
The end-of-year show on the 26th of May at Metàfora is only one of many exhibiting activities. This week, 3rd year student Katerina Aschche finally realized her personal ambitious exhibition project “on How to Make Bead” in a charismatic venue in the centre of Barcelona. Katerina had organized 4 different installations/performances in the empty rooms of an entire house, and visitors would go from room to room to experience this mesmerizing event.
This coming Saturday is also an important milestone for Metàfora: 2nd year student Netai Halup concludes “NECTAR”, the artist residency for which he was selected in May, with a group exhibition at the prestigious Barcelona gallery Carles Taché.
More to come: June 13th and 14th hold the Final Year show of Metàfora’s 3rd year students an the central exhibition venue Àngels Barcelona Espai 2 and the thesis presentation at Fundació Tàpies on Thursday 14th of June