Stay for a
Short Term Stay
BLOCK 3 | 20th Jan – 27th Feb, 2025 | 5th December, 2024 |
BLOCK 4 | 3rd Mar – 10th Apr, 2025 | 5th February, 2025 |
BLOCK 5 | 22nd Apr – 1st June 2025 | 5th April, 2025 |
BLOCK 1, 2025-26 | 8th Sept – 15th Oct, 2025 | 5th August, 2025 |
BLOCK 2, 2025-26 | 20th Oct – 28th Nov, 2025 | 5th October, 2025 |
What is included in each Block?
- 10-15 weekly hours of mandatory workshops, classes and tutorials etc. (aprox 15 additional hours of individual studio work is expected)
- 12-15 hours of weekly Tools & Techniques workshops.
- Have a look here to see the programmed classes of an academic year.
Personal studio space and Project Rooms:
- Individual studio space of 6-8 m2 and access to a range of large “Project Rooms”, available upon reservation.
The studios must be vacated by the end of June, unless the student is signed up for the Summer Block.
Metàfora closes its studios during August for cleaning and maintenance.
Continuing students are offered safe storage space for their belongings over the summer.
Basic sample materials are available in all Tools & Techniques classes at no cost for the students.
Materials needed for the individual studio practice runs on the student’s account.
Trip to Madrid:
Every year Metàfora travels to Madrid during Block 4, coinciding with the international art fair ARCO. The trip is organized as “low budget” and includes the journey in train or bus and 2 nights in a shared room at a hostel in the center of Madrid. During the days in Madrid the accompanying tutors organize different activities for the students to join, the majority of which are free of cost.
- Students on short term stays are welcome for a fee of aprox. 160€.
Off Campus exhibitions: Metàfora organises 4-6 off-campus exhibitions every year in galleries and art institutions around Barcelona. Students are invited to respond to Open Calls organized by inhouse tutors.
Metàfora organizes orientation regarding set-up and contributes with drinks for the opening reception.
- Students on short term stays are welcome if the open call coincides with their stay.
Open studio exhibitions: All students get to show their work in our two large Open Studio exhibitions (November and June). In these are shows there will normally be the most part of 300 visitors, press coverage etc.
- Students on short term stays are welcome if the open studio exhibition coincides with their stay.
Accommodation is not included in the fees.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Reservation fees and remaining fees
Reservation fee:
When registring for the 1st year of Metàfora’s Studio Arts program, all that is necesssary is the payment of the reservation fee.
Upon payment, the student will recieve confirmation of reservation of their place on the course.
Metàfora does not guarantee the place without the payment of the reservation fee.
This payment will not be refunded under any circumstances.
For the 2nd and 3rd year on Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs, a letter of admission is required to pay for the reservation: this is the case both for students passing from one year to the following (min. grade required for a pass is 65%) or for candidates appliying directly to the intermediate or advanced levels.
If the student wishes to cancel or postpone their registration, said payment will remain valid for a maximum of 12 months, counting from the beginning of the course in which the student originally enrolled (see “Deferring course start”).
Tuition payment:
The remaining tuition fee for Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs must be paid at least 15 days before the start of the course.
If the student does not make the remaining payment within this period, they may lose their place in the course and go on to the waiting list. For bank transfers it is essential to send proof of payment to Metàfora within the deadline.
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the enrollment (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his / her stay at Metàfora.
The remaining tuition fee can be paid in installments. Please see the section “Paying in installments” for details.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Deferring course start
Defer the beginning of a course or change course:
If the student wishes to postpone course start or change to another course, the amount paid remains valid for a maximum of 12 months, subject to an additional fee (see below). The deferment period counts from the beginning of the course on which the student originally enrolled.
The fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
During this period, the student may opt for other courses (subject to admission and free places). In the event that the fees for the new course do not coincide with the course chosen initially, the student will be requested to pay the difference. If the chosen course has a lower value than the one paid, the remaining amount will be saved for another Metàfora activity, for a maximum of 12 additional months.
To postpone the start of a course or change to another course, it is necessary to inform Metàfora by written notification at least 6 weeks before the beginning of the original course start.
A deferment letter carries an additional cost of 250€, to be added to the remaining fees.
Cancelling enrollment
Involuntary interruptions of studies:
In case of accident or illness during the course, studies may be interrupted for a maximum period of 12 months. It is essential to present a medical certificate in this regard. During this time the acquired economic commitment remains valid without any surcharge.
Voluntary interruptions of studies:
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the tuition fee (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his/her stay at Metàfora.
In case a student decides to interrupt the studies voluntarily, he/she loses his place in the course and must comply with the acquired financial commitment. In no case will interrupting the course voluntarily leaves the student exempt from the financial commitments contracted.
If the student wishes to resume the studies in the future, he/she must restart the application and enrollment payment procedures again.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Stay for an
Academic/Calendar Year
Year 1
Year 2
Graduation trimester
CALENDAR YEAR 2025 | 20th Jan 2025 – 27th Nov 2025 | 5th December, 2024 |
WINTER SPRING SEMESTER | 20th Jan 2025 – 30th May 2025 | 5th December, 2024 |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2025-26 | 8th Sept 2025 – 29th May 2026 | 5th August, 2025 |
AUTUMN SEMESTER 2025-26 | 8th Sept 2026 – 27th Nov 2026 | 5th August, 2025 |
CALENDAR YEAR 2026 | 20th Jan 2026 – 27th Nov, 2026 | 5th December 2025 |
What is included in the Academic/Calendar Year?
- 10-15 weekly hours of mandatory workshops, classes and tutorials etc. (aprox 15 additional hours of individual studio work is expected)
- 12-15 hours of weekly Tools & Techniques workshops are included in the fees on the 1st and 2nd year, as these credits are mandatory.
- Have a look here to see the programmed classes of an academic year.
Should the student wish to attend Tools & Techniques classes during their graduation trimester, an additional fee of 278€ is applicable.
Personal studio space and Project Rooms:
Students have individual studio spaces of 6-8 m2 and access to a range of large “Project Rooms”, available upon reservation.
In the full option payment for Metàfora’s Studio Arts program, the studio space is included on year 1 and 2, as it is our experience that 3rd year students often find a studio some where else in the city to work in.
Should the student want a personal studio space on campus during their graduation trimester, an additional fee of 350€ is applicable.
The studios must be vacated by the end of June, unless the student is signed up for the Summer Block.
Metàfora closes its studios during August for cleaning and maintenance.
Continuing students are offered safe storage space for their belongings over the summer.
Basic sample materials are available in all Tools & Techniques classes at no cost for the students.
Materials needed for the individual studio practice runs on the student’s account.
Trip to Madrid:
Every year Metàfora travels to Madrid during Block 4, coinciding with the international art fair ARCO. The trip is organized as “low budget” and includes the journey in train or bus and 2 nights in a shared room at a hostel in the center of Madrid. During the days in Madrid the accompanying tutors organize different activities for the students to join, the majority of which are free of cost. The trip is included in the fees of the first year on Metàfora’s Studio Arts Program. Students on year 2 are welcome for a fee of aprox. 160€.
Off Campus exhibitions: Metàfora organises 4-6 off-campus exhibitions every year in galleries and art institutions around Barcelona. Students are invited to respond to Open Calls organized by inhouse tutors.
Metàfora organizes orientation regarding set-up and contributes with drinks for the opening reception.
Open studio exhibitions: All students get to show their work in our two large Open Studio exhibitions (November and June). In these are shows there will normally be the most part of 300 visitors, press coverage etc.
NEW: Artist Residencies:
Metàfora has recently signed agreements with two artist residencies outside Barcelona: Can Serrat and Nau Estruch. Each year a graduated student is chosen for each of these, following an open call. During the residency (1-1 1/2 months) the student can keep contact with teachers and tutors.
Diploma finals:
- Students who are preparing for their graduation trimester are assigned an external tutor for the last 4-5 months of their stay.
- Final presentations are held at MACBA or other prestigeous institutions in Barcelona.
- The final exhibition is celebrated at Angels Barcelona, Joan Prats or other influencial galleries in Barcelona.
Accommodation is not included in the fees.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Reservation fee and remaining fee
Reservation fee:
When registring for the 1st year of Metàfora’s Studio Arts program, all that is necesssary is the payment of the reservation fee.
Upon payment, the student will recieve confirmation of reservation of their place on the course.
Metàfora does not guarantee the place without the payment of the reservation fee.
This payment will not be refunded under any circumstances.
For the 2nd and 3rd year on Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs, a letter of admission is required to pay for the reservation: this is the case both for students passing from one year to the following (min. grade required for a pass is 65%) or for candidates appliying directly to the intermediate or advanced levels.
If the student wishes to cancel or postpone their registration, said payment will remain valid for a maximum of 12 months, counting from the beginning of the course in which the student originally enrolled (see “Deferring course start”).
Tuition payment:
The remaining tuition fee for Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs must be paid at least 15 days before the start of the course.
If the student does not make the remaining payment within this period, they may lose their place in the course and go on to the waiting list. For bank transfers it is essential to send proof of payment to Metàfora within the deadline.
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the enrollment (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his / her stay at Metàfora.
The remaining tuition fee can be paid in installments. Please see the section “Paying in installments” for details.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Deferring course start
Defer the beginning of a course or change course:
If the student wishes to postpone course start or change to another course, the amount paid remains valid for a maximum of 12 months, subject to an additional fee (see below). The deferment period counts from the beginning of the course on which the student originally enrolled.
The fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
During this period, the student may opt for other courses (subject to admission and free places). In the event that the fees for the new course do not coincide with the course chosen initially, the student will be requested to pay the difference. If the chosen course has a lower value than the one paid, the remaining amount will be saved for another Metàfora activity, for a maximum of 12 additional months.
To postpone the start of a course or change to another course, it is necessary to inform Metàfora by written notification at least 6 weeks before the beginning of the original course start.
A deferment letter carries an additional cost of 250€, to be added to the remaining fees.
Cancelling enrollment
Involuntary interruptions of studies:
In case of accident or illness during the course, studies may be interrupted for a maximum period of 12 months. It is essential to present a medical certificate in this regard. During this time the acquired economic commitment remains valid without any surcharge.
Voluntary interruptions of studies:
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the tuition fee (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his/her stay at Metàfora.
In case a student decides to interrupt the studies voluntarily, he/she loses his place in the course and must comply with the acquired financial commitment. In no case will interrupting the course voluntarily leaves the student exempt from the financial commitments contracted.
If the student wishes to resume the studies in the future, he/she must restart the application and enrollment payment procedures again.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Paying the year in 3 installments
Once the reservation fee of 495€ has been paid, the remaining fees for the full option are due as follows:
- Installment 1: 3.797,61€ due 6 weeks before course start
- Installment 2: 1.898,81€ due December 1st
- Installment 3: 1.898,81€ due March 1st
- Installment 1: 2.961,25€ due 6 weeks before course start
- Installment 2: 1.480,63€ due December 1st
- Installment 3: 1.480,63€ due March 1st
Payment in 3 installments entails a 3% surcharge applicable on the remaining fees.
Students who pay the fees in installments will be held liable for the fees of the duration of the ENTIRE course, even if they should decide to leave before the end date.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Paying the year in 8 installments
Once the reservation fee of 495€ has been paid, the remaining fees for the full option are due as follows:
- Installment 1: 2.398,82€, due 6 weeks before course start
- Installments 2 to 8: 763€, due monthly for 7 months
- Installment 1: 1.208€, due 6 weeks before course start
- Installments 2 to 8: 690€, due monthly for 7 months
Payment in 8 installments entails a 5% surcharge applicable on the remaining fees.
Students who pay the fees in installments will be held liable for the fees of the duration of the ENTIRE course, even if they should decide to leave before the end date.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Stay for the
Full Studio Arts Program
Full Program Enrollment
CALENDAR YEAR 2025 | 20th Jan 2025 – 27th Nov 2025 | 5th December, 2024 |
WINTER SPRING SEMESTER | 20th Jan 2025 – 30th May 2025 | 5th December, 2024 |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2025-26 | 8th Sept 2025 – 29th May 2026 | 5th August, 2025 |
AUTUMN SEMESTER 2025-26 | 8th Sept 2026 – 27th Nov 2026 | 5th August, 2025 |
CALENDAR YEAR 2026 | 20th Jan 2026 – 27th Nov, 2026 | 5th December 2025 |
What is included in the Full Studio Arts Program?
- 10-15 weekly hours of mandatory workshops, classes and tutorials etc. (aprox 15 additional hours of individual studio work is expected)
- 12-15 hours of weekly Tools & Techniques workshops are included in the fees on the 1st and 2nd year, as these credits are mandatory.
- Have a look here to see the programmed classes of an academic year.
Should the student wish to attend Tools & Techniques classes during their graduation trimester, an additional fee of 278€ is applicable.
Personal studio space and Project Rooms:
Students have individual studio spaces of 6-8 m2 and access to a range of large “Project Rooms”, available upon reservation.
In the full option payment for Metàfora’s Studio Arts program, the studio space is included on year 1 and 2, as it is our experience that 3rd year students often find a studio some where else in the city to work in.
Should the student want a personal studio space on campus during their graduation trimester, an additional fee of 350€ is applicable.
The studios must be vacated by the end of June, unless the student is signed up for the Summer Block.
Metàfora closes its studios during August for cleaning and maintenance.
Continuing students are offered safe storage space for their belongings over the summer.
Basic sample materials are available in all Tools & Techniques classes at no cost for the students.
Materials needed for the individual studio practice runs on the student’s account.
Trip to Madrid:
Every year Metàfora travels to Madrid during Block 4, coinciding with the international art fair ARCO. The trip is organized as “low budget” and includes the journey in train or bus and 2 nights in a shared room at a hostel in the center of Madrid. During the days in Madrid the accompanying tutors organize different activities for the students to join, the majority of which are free of cost. The trip is included in the fees of the first year on Metàfora’s Studio Arts Program. Students on year 2 are welcome for a fee of aprox. 160€.
Off Campus exhibitions: Metàfora organises 4-6 off-campus exhibitions every year in galleries and art institutions around Barcelona. Students are invited to respond to Open Calls organized by inhouse tutors.
Metàfora organizes orientation regarding set-up and contributes with drinks for the opening reception.
Open studio exhibitions: All students get to show their work in our two large Open Studio exhibitions (November and June). In these are shows there will normally be the most part of 300 visitors, press coverage etc.
NEW: Artist Residencies:
Metàfora has recently signed agreements with two artist residencies outside Barcelona: Can Serrat and Nau Estruch. Each year a graduated student is chosen for each of these, following an open call. During the residency (1-1 1/2 months) the student can keep contact with teachers and tutors.
Diploma finals:
- Students who are preparing for their graduation trimester are assigned an external tutor for the last 4-5 months of their stay.
- Final presentations are held at MACBA or other prestigeous institutions in Barcelona.
- The final exhibition is celebrated at Angels Barcelona, Joan Prats or other influencial galleries in Barcelona.
Accommodation is not included in the fees.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Reservation fee and remaining fee
Reservation fee:
When registring for the 1st year of Metàfora’s Studio Arts program, all that is necesssary is the payment of the reservation fee.
Upon payment, the student will recieve confirmation of reservation of their place on the course.
Metàfora does not guarantee the place without the payment of the reservation fee.
This payment will not be refunded under any circumstances.
For the 2nd and 3rd year on Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs, a letter of admission is required to pay for the reservation: this is the case both for students passing from one year to the following (min. grade required for a pass is 65%) or for candidates appliying directly to the intermediate or advanced levels.
If the student wishes to cancel or postpone their registration, said payment will remain valid for a maximum of 12 months, counting from the beginning of the course in which the student originally enrolled (see “Deferring course start”).
Tuition payment:
The remaining tuition fee for Metàfora’s Studio Arts Programs must be paid at least 15 days before the start of the course.
If the student does not make the remaining payment within this period, they may lose their place in the course and go on to the waiting list. For bank transfers it is essential to send proof of payment to Metàfora within the deadline.
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the enrollment (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his / her stay at Metàfora.
The remaining tuition fee can be paid in installments. Please see the section “Paying in installments” for details.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Deferring course start
Defer the beginning of a course or change course:
If the student wishes to postpone course start or change to another course, the amount paid remains valid for a maximum of 12 months, subject to an additional fee (see below). The deferment period counts from the beginning of the course on which the student originally enrolled.
The fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
During this period, the student may opt for other courses (subject to admission and free places). In the event that the fees for the new course do not coincide with the course chosen initially, the student will be requested to pay the difference. If the chosen course has a lower value than the one paid, the remaining amount will be saved for another Metàfora activity, for a maximum of 12 additional months.
To postpone the start of a course or change to another course, it is necessary to inform Metàfora by written notification at least 6 weeks before the beginning of the original course start.
A deferment letter carries an additional cost of 250€, to be added to the remaining fees.
Cancelling enrollment
Involuntary interruptions of studies:
In case of accident or illness during the course, studies may be interrupted for a maximum period of 12 months. It is essential to present a medical certificate in this regard. During this time the acquired economic commitment remains valid without any surcharge.
Voluntary interruptions of studies:
Once the course has started, there is no possibility of returning the tuition fee (or part of it) if the student wishes to cancel or postpone his/her stay at Metàfora.
In case a student decides to interrupt the studies voluntarily, he/she loses his place in the course and must comply with the acquired financial commitment. In no case will interrupting the course voluntarily leaves the student exempt from the financial commitments contracted.
If the student wishes to resume the studies in the future, he/she must restart the application and enrollment payment procedures again.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Paying the year in 3 installments
Once the reservation fee of 495€ has been paid, the remaining fees for the full option are due as follows:
- Installment 1: 7.013,79€ due 6 weeks before course start
- Installment 2: 3.506,89€ due December 1st
- Installment 3: 3.506,89€ due March 1st
Payment in 3 installments entails a 3% surcharge applicable on the remaining fees.
Students who pay the fees in installments will be held liable for the fees of the duration of the ENTIRE course, even if they should decide to leave before the end date.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions
Paying the year in 8 installments
Once the reservation fee of 495€ has been paid, the remaining fees for the full option are due as follows:
- Installment 1: 2.860€, due 6 weeks before course start
- Installments 2 to 8: 1.634€, due monthly for 7 months
Payment in 8 installments entails a 5% surcharge applicable on the remaining fees.
Students who pay the fees in installments will be held liable for the fees of the duration of the ENTIRE course, even if they should decide to leave before the end date.
Payment conditions:
Please see here for the entire list of Metàfora’s payment conditions