Artist interview

A year at Metàfora: Romy’s journey

By Juliette Smeets

Meet Romy van de Leuv, a 19-year-old student from Rotterdam, Netherlands. She just ended her first year at Metàfora. This year has been an extraordinary journey for her, filled with learning and personal growth.

Community and Support at Metàfora

One of the highlights of Romy’s experience at Metàfora has undoubtedly been the people. The sense of community and support is incredible. Everyone is so friendly and inspiring, making it easy for her to feel at home even she she is far from it.

Exploring Art

As an artist, Romy is still very much in the beginner’s phase. She came to Metàfora to explore her interest and see where they might led her. Currently she finds abstract art fascinating and feels herself gradually moving in that direction. However, she is still figuring things out and enjoying the journey of her discovery.

Why did you choose Metàfora?

Romy chose Metàfora because she needed an internship for her Visual Design/Mixed Media studies back in Rotterdam. She was particularly interested in studying at an art academy and she always wanted to experience Barcelona. so, Metàfora was the perfect place for her! With the help of her internship supervisor, she found Metàfora, and the application process was quick and easy.

Proud moments

The artwork she is the most proud of is from her final presentation, particularly her large drawings. She usually works on smaller scale, so creating something big was a significant step for her. Being at Metàfora has truly helped her grow, both personally and artistically. She has made so much progress this year, and she is very proud of that.

Experience with fellow students

She finds the people amazing. The atmosphere is very warm and friendly, not competitive at all. everyone learns and inspires each other, creating a big, supportive family.

What is your favorite place at Metàfora?

Her favorite place is undoubtedly her own studio. It’s where all her creativity comes to life. Metàfora is a perfect place for beginners in the art world; no one doesn’t need to be a seasoned artist to fit in here. Romy wasn’t one when she arrived, now she is a inspiring beginner and she learned so much since then.

What next?

Next week, Romy will be heading back to The Netherlands, where she plans to continue her studies in art. Ideally, she would like to join an art academy in The Netherlands, but she is also considering studying art history.

Romy van de Leuv photographed by: Annabel Mulder