Jinn giving their presentation

Jinn, a 21-year old student of Metàfora tells us about their experience and what it’s like to study at Metàfora and live in Barcelona.

Jinn came to Metàfora while looking for an internship. Their teacher suggested Metàfora to them and they thought it was the perfect chance to take a break from work and focus on art. The idea of being in Barcelona and having time to learn and experience art drew Jinn to Metàfora. Jinn loves the street art in the city. They finds inspiration in the colorful art that fills the street and incorporates that energy into their own artwork.

What do you like the most about Metàfora?
Jinn enjoys the different classes and having plenty of time to work on their art in their own studio. The supportive atmosphere and helpful tutors like Piotr and Gabriel have been crucial for their growth.

What where your favorite classes?
Classes like life drawing has been aspecially helpful for them because the classes where full of life and they enjoyed every class. Also, their final presentation was very educational for them because they collaborated with another student. The collaboration helped them to let go of everything to be perfect and they improved themself in being an artist.

How was your time living in Barcelona?
Even though there had been some though moments, Jinn’s time at Metàfora and living in Barcelona has been mostly smooth. The friendly community and lively atmosphere in Barcelona had made it easier for them to adjust.

What was your most valuable thing at Metàfora?
Jinn said that the open studios were the most valuable thing. They could see that everyone was enjoying their time and making art. And being able to talk to everyone and meeting new artist where also very valuable to them!

Student making an artwork
Jinn making art

What would you advise to new students?
Looking back, Jinn advises new students to be open to trying new things. Metàfora is a place for exploring yourself. They thought Barcelona is a beautifull city full of life and amazing people! There are also many things to do, so get out there, do art and live your life!

Jinn would summarize their experience at Metàfora and Barcelona as, really enjoyable, warm weather and everyone at Metàfora feels like family. Jinn said: “Just to be here was a really valuable experience”. That they will remember for a long time!